The stretching continues

Launching my new website last week was a major milestone in the life of Indelible Mark.  Although, I have been in the business of adding value to leaders and small business owners since 2010, very few people outside of family and friends knew about Indelible Mark.  I could easily make excuses and rationalize my lack of sharing my services beyond my inner circle, but clearly there is no growth in that.

My aha moment came yesterday after talking with a complete stranger while waiting in line at Atlanta Bread Company.  We talked about her job, children and needing a vacation, it was great small talk, until the table turned and she started asking me questions about Indelible Mark and the services I offered.  I gave her my signature one line response, but she continued with the questions.

Don’t get me wrong I love what I do and it brings me great joy, but I determined long ago that I would never make it about me.  Yet, this complete stranger was putting me on the spot with one intrusive questions after another. Then the questions ended abruptly, as she grabbed her food, and said “enjoyed learning about you, hope to see you again soon” and out the door she went.

Then I started questioning myself: Can I market Indelible Mark without self-promoting?  Why did I feel so uncomfortable talking about my business? Why didn’t I tell her to visit my website for more information? The ugly truth is:  I struggle with self-promotion especially outside of my circle of influence.  Even though, I tell business clients often..”You can’t be secretly great, you have to let the world know you exist”; I’ve actually taken comfort in existing under the radar (allowing my business growth to occur only through customer referrals).

Well, no more! I’ve decided to take my own medicine and take steps to share what Indelible Mark has to offer whenever the opportunity presents itself.  Yes, I will have to take “baby stretches”, to deal with the anxiety, but I am determined to get comfortable with sharing my value with the world.  In closing, I’m praying I see the lady from Atlanta Bread Company again, this time I’ll be ready for 50 questions!

Stretch With Me,


Time to STRETCH!

In January of this year, I declared this would be a year of STRETCHING for me. No more playing it safe, settling, or enduring circumstances that interfered with my ideal life. I vowed to do the hard things, to take more risks, to grow intentionally and to relentlessly live out my values. It’s March nowContinue Reading

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